The Holiday Season, no matter your religion, is an opportunity to make life special for yourself and for your loved ones. This year – you know, the one out of left field – is challenging us to get down to the essence of what is important and is requiring us to be creative in our thinking.
I am a ‘glass is always full’ kind of person and like to think on the optimistic side of situations. It requires eternal hope and expansive creativity. During this entire nutball year I have been incredibly inspired by situations that have required creative pivoting. And how many things will not go back to pre-covid ways. I call it the ‘Some genies will never go back in the bottle’ miracles. Pay attention to them and accept them as magical ways our world might change for the better. Silver linings…
Give yourself permission to lean into doing things differently this year, if you are inclined. You never know what new traditions will be made. For instance, we’re not putting ornaments on the tree this year but are drying fruit and making Springerle cookie ornaments to hang.
Think outside the box. What have you always wanted to try but felt hemmed in by tradition?? Remember, look for the genies that might not ever go back in the bottle.
QUESTION :: What rhymes with HOLIDAYS???
ANSWER :: Champagne 🙂
Make sure you have plenty on hand.
Here are my 5 FAVORITE TIPS for your lifestyle this holiday season.
(photos : PINTEREST)
Do you have a holiday signature?
A Christmas day open house? A champagne and desert party? Dinners with family + friends throughout Hanukkah ? It is important to continue with the spirit of these traditions this year if not doing them. Making this year special by making efforts and planning ahead are the moments that will lift us.
Be grateful that this year you don’t have to go to an office party. Now, there’s a bonus!
Do something kind for the Postman, UPS FedEx and DHL this holiday season. They have been working hard this year.
How are your holiday music playlists? Make one that is fantastic and it will set the festive mood every time.
When planning your gift giving this year, please remember your local businesses. Be mindful of who your gifts support.