It’s time to start harnessing the positive changes that have occurred over the past few years and use the lessons learned to go deeper into truly being ourselves. Otherwise known as you, 2.0.
As you continue to enjoy the last long days of summer take note on how you have spent this summer compared to the last few during the pandemic. What changes do you see? What things have you let go of and what things have you incorporated? Pay attention to these changes. These are important and help you realize your growth.
Now, how can you take these new beginnings and go deeper to become more authentically you?? What other paths can you discover about yourself? What layers can you peel away to honor who you truly are?
Being open and in a state of constant growth is one of the most powerful ways we can age well. Staying stuck in our ways and never challenging ourselves is how we get into ruts. I am constantly talking with my clients about being intentional in all aspects of their lives. This mindset gives them the opportunity to go deeper into what makes them who they truly are.
As far as your INTERIORS go for this month . . .
Now that we are getting back on the horse and entertaining again, maybe it’s time to focus on a particular room to make sure it truly expresses who you are. Let’s start with the living room. How can you make this room feel more authentically you?
Let’s discuss some ways to do that and get inspired to show up as your best self in the comfort of your own home.
If you need help with this, just let me know. I am here to help.
Is your personal narrative being expressed through the art, photographs, books, or objet d’art? JOHN SALADINO is the king of the narrative, in my opinion.
Do the colors express how you want to feel and how you want your friends and family to feel when they are in this space? HERE is one of my favorite paint companies.
Can you bring in an interesting wallpaper for texture or paint the ceiling a wonderful silver sheen? HERE is a wallpaper I am considering.
Are your window coverings of any interest? Having well designed and high quality window coverings is the ultimate in style.
Pay attention to the ambience created by the lighting in the room. Would a beautiful table lamp set the mood you are trying to create? HERE is one I have my eye on.