Do you know what I think this year is primed for? Simplifying. HOW TO DO THIS? By knowing what works for you and what does not. It’s letting go of old beliefs + behaviors and embracing a lighter feeling with those decisions. It’s also being inspired to make new changes for this brand-spanking, fresh-start, high-hopes, never-looking-back NEW YEAR!!
But first, let’s define simplify.
Simplify is to make something easier; to reduce to basic essentials; to diminish in scope or complexity. Can you see where I’m going with this???
Simplify is to make something easier; to reduce to basic essentials; to diminish in scope or complexity. Can you see where I’m going with this???
Let’s discuss some ways to do that and get inspired to simplify and make anew.
What do you want more of and what do you want less of?
If not, maybe this year is the time to start. Start with writing 5 things you’re grateful for each day and then expand from there if you enjoy this practice.
I am a big believer in constantly growing and evolving into our best selves. it’s important to pay attention to the way you spend your time and make sure you are getting out of your comfort zone. Are you learning new things constantly??
There is a surge in online learning with so many incredible courses. Anything you want to learn can be found (practically) in an online course. Hint : Do you know about my Style Masterclass?
Are you making time for solitude, movement, strength, socializing (in a pandemic with masks)? Look at this month and carve out time for each one. Otherwise it will just be a dream and not something you take action on.
Plan a family dinner from a French/Italian/Filipino/Indian/cookbook. Extra credit for discussing their current events at the table.