june interiors 01 (2)


· And Relax . . . ·

June… (in the northern hemisphere) is the time of year when everything is at its best. The roses are fresh, the temperatures are perfect and not yet sweltering, school is out, vacations are being taken, plans to see friends and family are underway… To me, June signals the time of the year to begin to relax.

All I can say is enjoy all this month has to offer!

As far as your interiors are concerned, make time to bring the beauty of this month into your home. Focus on creating a more relaxed environment which means maybe being so relaxed you let your spaces clutter up a bit. There is always September to help you get organized again.

See below for some of my favorite ways to relax in your home this month.




Roses everywhere!

Place garden roses in every single corner of your house! Is there anything better?!?

Linen napkins.

Use linen napkins everyday! An easy way to wash and dry is to lay them on top of each other and hand press flat. Fold when dry.

All out! 

All house plants go outside to soak up the goodness of the sun. Don’t forget to water and protect from the sun depending on their needs.

Pure charm.

Placing greenery in silver cups or silver hotel coffee pitchers is just so charming.

Anything rattan goes!

There is no better way to add style to your summer scene than to add a rattan wrapped vases here, a rattan serving tray there and even a rattan water pitcher for the bar. Bonus points if your bar is also rattan!



June 1, 2022

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