The theme this month is about being grateful and then going deeper. It’s about appreciating what you already have and making it more meaningful; more beautiful; more YOU!
One lesson I learned during the past few years is to be grateful for what was already interesting to me. I am a discoverer, an observer who is always on the hunt for more – more info, more ideas, more creativity, more ….
I learned a lot while in lockdown while spending so much time at home without the usual stimulation or distractions. I realized how full my life already was. The hunt has always been fun but it really is kind of superficial. I wasn’t necessarily going deep into the million interesting design books I’ve bought nor using all of the beautiful linen napkins I had to have, to name a few. I just kept wanting the next one.
It took the quiet of the pandemic to teach me that I just needed to be aware of and appreciate the things I’ve already deemed worthy of being in my home and in my life. What a fantastic LESSON!
This lesson has bled into other areas of my life and I think it might be an interesting and more sustainable approach from now on. Below, I have some various ideas of ways to go deeper in your life this beautiful month of MAY.
As far as your INTERIORS or EXTERIORS are concerned, May signals all things outdoors and in my opinion being outdoors = HAPPINESS. I think we all nearly perfected our outdoor spaces over the past year during the pandemic. But, what I am finding this year is I want to make my outdoor space even MORE beautiful!! Here are ways I am going to do this…
If you are lucky enough to have the space and 2 substantial trees to hang a hammock, good on you. If not, there are several options out there for hammocks both for hanging and size constraints. Too many to list but HERE is one I will be enjoying this summer.
I love to cook and I love to grow herbs, tomatoes, veggies etc. I always get so excited to plant my kitchen potager but oftentimes realize midsummer that my plans were a bit overachieving, aka too much to manage. This year I have planted a very manageable kitchen potager and rather than planting everything I love thus overwhelm in a few months I went deeper on the few things I use over and over again. Basil, mint, thyme and rosemary. Voila. Simple and the anxiety over planting too much and maybe not eating everything is eliminated.
I have a bar set-up indoors year round, why not have one outside? THIS table is just the thing for an outdoor bar. Fill it with your favorite cocktail mixers, melamine glasses, a small vase and a water pitcher and you are ready for anyone who just happens to drop by.
I am always drawn to the seductive shapes and the various ways to use them. Whether it be as anchors in the garden filled with boxwoods or flanking a doorway planted with white geraniums. The options are endless and always so appealing.
I was in Paris with a dear friend a few years ago and celebrated her birthday at the most beautiful restaurant. The company was delightful as always; the meal was tremendous but what I continue to obsess over is the cordless crystal lamp on the table. What an elevated source of light! I haven’t quite found that exact lamp but I did find THIS variation and quite enjoy the mobility and design.