INVIGORATE … with the arrival of spring, April feels like the beginning of something new. A rebirth. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. IT FEELS INVIGORATING.
Towards the end of the pandemic, I talked a lot with my clients about what gifts the pandemic has given them. What did they learn about themselves, what changes did they make and what did they want to hang on to when the world went back to ‘normal’. What genies did NOT go back in the bottle?
So, what are your gifts from the pandemic?? What was your awakening? What changes have you made or have seen that can be reflected in your new lifestyle? I like to think of it in terms of pre-Covid and post-Covid behaviors.
I read a great article in the NYTIMES towards the end of the pandemic and one woman put it beautifully saying, ‘I know I am becoming someone different. I just don’t know what that difference will be yet. I don’t think I can go back to a ‘before.’ I don’t think I fit into that life anymore.” Mary Fugate, Punxsutawney, Pa
As far as your interior style, do you have a room or more that needs some attention? Here are a few tips to help you this month:
A simple way to bring a room to life is to add patterns and textures by way of throw pillows, blankets, tablecloths… I always have luck with SUE FISHER KING.
When was the last time you rearranged your furniture? Really thought about the function of the room and made changes that support the way you live? Have a look HERE at one of my favorite interior designers for some inspiration.
Transition your interiors into a warmer month style and have linen slipcovers made for you furniture. And while you’re at it roll up your wool area rugs and lay down the sisal. It’s the same thinking as switching your closet over to the next season.
November 24, 2024
March 5, 2024