· Authentically You ·

It’s time to start harnessing the positive changes that have occurred over the past few years and use the lessons learned to go deeper into truly being ourselves. Otherwise known as you, 2.0.

As you continue to enjoy the last long days of summer take note on how you have spent this summer compared to the last few during the pandemic. What changes do you see? What things have you let go of and what things have you incorporated? Pay attention to these changes. These are important and help you realize your growth.

Now, how can you take these new beginnings and go deeper to become more authentically you?? What other paths can you discover about yourself? What layers can you peel away to honor who you truly are?

Being open and in a state of constant growth is one of the most powerful ways we can age well. Staying stuck in our ways and never challenging ourselves is how we get into ruts. I am constantly talking with my clients about being intentional in all aspects of their lives. This mindset gives them the opportunity to go deeper into what makes them who they truly are.

Let’s discuss some ways to do that and get inspired to show up as your best self.


As far as your BEAUTY for this month . . .

Oftentimes, we see our physical or our outward changes much easier than the more subtle or inner shifts that happen. We are very quick to say, “gosh, I/she/he looks so much older now” referring to someone’s outer appearance and we are less inclined to notice the shifts made internally. What I find is many times both types of changes are inner woven.

Whatever your personal story is from this very unique time, be kind to yourself and decide . . . what do you want to hold onto and where do you want to make changes? This is an opportunity to dive deeper into being more authentic.

I personally think focusing on your outward appearance is time well spent. Committing to the time you need to feel you are presenting your best self will help you look your best and feel confident. 

If you need help with this, just let me know. I am here to help.





How is the growout going? Do you need any tips or support on how to get over the first, second and third hump even? Stick with it – it is worth it! I am finally done with my growout and although there are days I do a double-take in the mirror I am so much happier knowing this is the true me. Using a blue shampoo or conditioner is helpful to keep your silvers looking their best. HERE is one that I use.


I talk about this a lot, like a whole lot but in my opinion having FANTASTIC skin is THE key to aging gracefully as far as your outward appearance is concerned. I read somewhere that the ‘NEW YOUNG’ is a woman who has glowing skin – wrinkled, sagging and all as opposed to the plumped up, botoxed out face. Being the best us at every stage – skin, hair and all is how to feel confident as we age. HERE is one of my favorite products that just accentuates that glow.


Many people put on weight during the pandemic, which was completely understandable given the stress that occurred. Some have found it hard to shed those extra pounds. Not easy but getting to your healthy weight is always a good goal. The older we get the harder it is to lose weight so be kind to yourself and look at it as a long term goal. Also, be patient.


Movement, Cardio, Balance, Strength and Stretching are the FAB 5 when it comes to taking care of our bodies. Each one is as important as the other, in my opinion. Making sure you get in your steps each day as well as work your heart, test your balance, strengthen and stretch your muscles is the standard in having a good quality of life and aging well.


I apply a face oil to my face each morning and do a modified face massage to get the fluids moving away from the eyes and jowls. I take online classes at the Face Gym a few times a month which is a more intense face workout but this quick morning routine is a great way to look more refreshed each day. HERE is a video showing a method I use.



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