September is always a bittersweet time, in my opinion. It is full of transitions and contradictions. For instance, on some level, you’re sad summer is coming to an end. But on another level, you’re happy to see the heat and the unstructured nature of summer fade away. Adios!
Being in transition or in limbo can be difficult for some people. It feels unsettling and can create an underlying anxiety. But . . . before we know it, we shift into a new routine and are in the swing of everything this new season has to offer. My advice is to take advantage of each day as it comes and enjoy the rhythm of this month.
As far as your INTERIORS go for this month . . .
This is the time of year when I look around my house and start taking note of the layout of my furniture, the flow of the rooms, the lighting and basically the overall feel. Is everything working to make the room feel the way I intended?
My home has a lot of windows and I am surrounded by huge trees. Once the leaves fall away, that beautiful green no longer casts into the room and the feeling of my interiors change. The rooms feel more stark as opposed to warm and cozy, which is what I prefer. Now is when I check to see if my interiors need tweaking or elements need to be added.
Here are some tips for you to think about how to make your home cozy in anticipation of these upcoming colder months.
(photos: pinterest)
Do you have enough task lighting to help create the right mood? HERE is one of my favorite task lamps.
How are your soft furnishings – pillows, area rugs, throw blankets? Hedgerow Edison is my go-to for these items.
Do your rooms inspire you when you walk in? When was the last time you rearranged your furniture? It is actually a serious problem of mine – ha – but I find it so much fun to change the use and layout of a room.
Would updating a rug give you an entirely new feel in your favorite room? HERE is a good place for inspiration.
Surrounding yourself with beautiful plants not only create a healthier environment but it gives a softness to your home that is stripped away during the winter months.